What Causes Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)?

Acid Reflux is caused by the regurgitation of acid from the stomach up into the esophagus.  Small amounts of this occur  normally, but when it becomes excessive and leads to symptoms of heartburn it can become problematic.  Contributing factors the this condition are obesity, smoking, types of food’s eaten, and the structure of the junction between your stomach and your esophagus.  Make sure and get a full evaluation to insure that your symptoms are related to acid reflux and not a more serious medical condition.

How Can OMM Treat it?

Along with lifestyle modifications and possibly medical treatment, osteopathic manipulation can address some structural elements that can contribute to your symptoms.  OMM looks for mechanical alterations in the structures surrounding the lower esophageal sphincter (i.e. the opening where the esophagus connects to the stomach).  By addressing the structures, nerves, and lymphatic drainage of these structures normal function can be restored.  This often results in improved symptoms, decreased medication use, or both!

What Else Can I Do?

  • If you are overweight, losing weight can help reduce symptoms
  • Avoid lying flat for 2-3 hours after eating a meal
  • Avoid eating meals too quickly
  • Lower carbohydrate diets may improve symptoms
  • Abdominal Breathing exercises
Additional training hours Dr. Seals has obtained in visceral manipulation!