Why Should I Care About Nutrition?

Your body is literally what you eat! Every cell in your body turns over throughout your lifetime and it is constructed of the foods that you put in your body. Additionally, the foods you eat send signals to your body about fat storage and inflammation.  Many leading health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer could be drastically reduced with proper nutrition.

What types of foods should I eat?

The easiest way to try to figure out what you should eat is to apply a simple rule:  Does the food I am eating exist in nature?  If the food looks like something you can find in nature, then you can eat it.  The further removed from nature your food is the less you should eat it.  Foods that are found in nature are fruits, vegetables, lean meats (preferably grass fed), eggs, nuts, etc.  There are no donut trees, chip trees, or pop-tart trees!  Past that, try to apply these basic steps:

  1. Have the majority of your fluids came from water (occasional unsweetened coffee or tea are okay additions).
  2. Eliminate all sugars and artificial sweeteners.
  3. Limit or eliminate wheat and corn products (especially if processed).

If you employ those basic principles you will eliminate the vast majority of junk food available in our diets.

Where Can I Get More Information?

Check below for other resources on eating healthy: