How Can Emotional Issues Affect the Body?

There are many well documented associations between emotions and physical symptoms.  We are whole, complex beings that cannot be separated into body, mind, and spirit so it makes since that problems in one area will impact another.  For example, there is good evidence to support the high incidence of abuse history among those with irritable bowel syndrome.  Those with chronic pain often have coexisting depression or other emotional stressors.

The reason for these connections is because every pain sensation that the body interprets has the potential for entering into the limbic system of the brain when it is being processed. Additionally, hormones associate with emotional stressors (e.g. cortisol) change the way information is processed and can lead to amplification of pain signals.

How Can OMM Treat it?

Osteopathic Medicine focuses on the holistic nature of people.  From this perspective, it is important for us to know about other factors that can be influencing the patient’s clinical complaint.  This may including asking about any history of abuse and current life stressors.  If needed, referrals to mental health professionals may be an important part of their care.

OMT addresses the patient’s area of pain and this can cause emotions related to this pain to be brought back to their attention.  By addressing the physical and being aware of the connection to the emotional we can provide appropriate care for both aspects of the patient.


Below are resources for you to learn more about how emotions influence health and pain: