What Causes Knee Pain?

Knee Pain is a common musculoskeletal complaint that can be related to the knee itself or the surrounding muscles and ligaments.  A proper history and physical will allow your physician to determine the underlying cause of your knee pain.

Somatic Dysfunction of structures of the knee, lower extremity, hip, sacrum, and the associated muscles and ligaments can be the sole cause of knee pain or can occur in conjunction with another diagnosis.  These can be found with an osteopathic examination and may then be treated using various OMT techniques.

How Can OMM Treat it?

OMT can be a valuable treatment for knee pain as a stand alone treatment or in conjunction with other modalities such as injections, anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, or even surgery.  Osteopathic Manipulation focuses on removing restrictions and restoring range of motion the the joints, ligaments, soft tissues, and viscera related to the knee.  Removing mechanical restrictions can help restore normal motion and lead to decreased pain.  Often times there are muscle weaknesses and imbalances associated with shoulder pain that should be addressed with exercises and/or physical therapy.

What Else Can I Do?

Consider stretches, postural exercises, and muscle strengthening as a part of your overall management of knee pain:

Additional training hours Dr. Seals has obtained regarding upper and lower extremities!