What Causes Headaches?

Headaches are caused by anything that irritates the pain sensitive structures of the head and upper neck.  These structures are cranial bones/sutures, dura mater, cranial blood vessels, muscles, ligaments and joints of the upper neck, sinuses, teeth, the TMJ, and muscles of mastication.  This irritation can be caused by a space occupying lesion (e.g. tumor), infection, trauma, muscle tension, or somatic dysfunction in any of the pain sensitive structures listed above.

Ultimately, all pain is sensed and interpreted in the brain and for headaches this occurs in the trigeminal cervical nucleus.  This is the area of the brainstem where nociceptive input arrives from the trigeminal nerve and the upper cervical spinal nerves.  Multiple dysfunctions can become additive to the sensation of pain and pain is more likely to occur in a sensitized nervous system.  Things that lead to neurologic sensitization include stress, fatigue, food sensitivities, hormones, drugs and medications, and genetics.  Therefore, we need to look at headaches from the perspective of the tissue being irritated and the organ sensing the irritation.

How Can OMM Treat it?

By addressing somatic dysfunctions of the head, neck, and throughout the body we are removing mechanical strain that creates irritation to the trigeminocervical nucleus.  Additionally, OMT can help decrease nerve irritation and promote proper drainage of blood from the cranium.  The more restrictions we can address the more we can minimize the nociceptive signaling on the trigeminal nerve and therefore decrease pain.


Below we will be adding links and articles to help in your understanding and teaching about headaches.

Additional training hours Dr. Seals has obtained regarding the head & brain structures!